The UMD-DMD France mutations database
Record ID: 3175

Mutation description

Variation name (cDNA level)Variation name (protein level)Variation statusVariation class

wt codonwt aamutant codonmutant aamutational eventmutation type
TATTyrins618bInFIn frame ins

StructureKey Residue (HCD)Pyrimidin doubletCpG
Dp427m unique N-Ter 

Mutation impact

At the mRNA levelOn restriction map
New restriction site(s): none
Lost restriction site(s): none

On isoforms (a blue cell indicates that the corresponding isoform is affected by the mutation)
Dp 427cDp 427mDp 427pDp 260Dp 140Dp 116Dp 71
dys 1 dys 2 dys 3
 Irregular Medium Irregular Medium Irregular Medium
Western Blot
dys 1 dys 2 dys 3
 Increased size, medium quantity  Increased size, medium quantity  

Patient and sample data

Sample IDPatient statusGenderTransmissionAge of onsetAge of deathGeographic origin

Phenotypic group


At skeletal muscle level, the patient had only hypertrophic calves, cramping but no muscle weakness.


Reference IDReference
1Unpublished data