The UMD-DMD France mutations database
Record ID: 2027

Mutation description

Variation name (cDNA level)Variation name (protein level)Variation statusVariation class

wt codonwt aamutant codonmutant aamutational eventmutation type
CATHisins1843aFs.Stop at 940Fr.

StructureKey Residue (HCD)Pyrimidin doubletCpG
CRD-hinge region #1 

Mutation impact

At the mRNA levelOn restriction map
New restriction site(s): none
Lost restriction site(s): none

On isoforms (a blue cell indicates that the corresponding isoform is affected by the mutation)
Dp 427cDp 427mDp 427pDp 260Dp 140Dp 116Dp 71
dys 1 dys 2 dys 3
  No signal No signal
Western Blot
dys 1 dys 2 dys 3

Patient and sample data

Sample IDPatient statusGenderTransmissionAge of onsetAge of deathGeographic origin

Phenotypic group


Reference IDReference
106Unpublished data